Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Keeping The Faith

All my life, I've been faith-filled.  Ever since I was a little girl saying my goodnight prayer in my white canopy bed, I've known there was a God and I knew He loved me.  And so, I would pray to Him every night.  I didn't start attending church until I was in high school because my family wasn't a church-going family.  Not to say they didn't have faith--they just didn't attend.

My first memories of talking to God are from the age of 6--shortly after our move to Nebraska following my parents' divorce.  I didn't know how to sort through all of the emotions I had, I just knew I needed a safe release.  God was my safe release.  I'm not sure I knew I could talk to others (although I now know I could have).  When I felt happiness or when I felt a surge of sadness with that empty space I felt in my heart when I missed my daddy the most, I would pray.  Always at night I would pray, "Now I lay me down to sleep..."  This is still the prayer that guides me every night before I sleep.

My life has not been perfect.  I have had difficult and regrettable moments.  But, the Lord has continued to be my Shepherd and has lifted me up when I needed Him the most.  I shouldn't be surprised; that's His purpose and His joy.  He chooses to love me because I am His.  But, while my life has not been perfect, it also has not been tragic.  I haven't had to struggle through times where life seemed to stand still.  Sure, I've felt heartache and regret and failure...But, never have I had the option to doubt my faith.

I recently attended two funerals in one day.  I met neither of these people prior to their passing, but learned much about them from their services.  All day I was faced with people whose lives are on pause.  A momentary pause in life that is heart-wrenching and faith-shaking.  I have never had to face the loss of a loved one or even the tragic misfortune of circumstances that plague so many lives (e.g. debilitating diseases, etc.)  My faith has never been shaken.

And, so, I've begun to wonder--how do these people keep the faith?  I pray on a frequent basis that the Lord build me up so that when I am faced with any of these unfortunate things, I keep my faith and carry on, knowing that God is God.  God doesn't change just because life does.  I am so thankful for my life and the numerous blessings I hold, and pray to God that I will be thankful even when life does not seem to be worth thanking Him for.  The plans He has for us are beyond our understanding.  I know He is preparing me for my future with each passing day and so I continue to thank Him for my past, my current, and my unknown.

Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ's sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. 
1 Peter 4: 12-13

Thursday, January 13, 2011

One-hundred forty-two :)

The countdown has begun (well, really it's been in progress for quite sometime...but we're in the last 6 months, so I can admit it now) to the day of my wedding. 

Marrying the love of your life is quite exhilarating.  exciting. scary. peaceful. 

There are surreal moments when it's hard to believe that my life is my life.  Our God is so gracious. I'm not saying I have the most perfect existence--far from.  BUT, I do appreciate my existence so very much.  Let me correct, I appreciate the ways God has blessed my existence.  i.e. my wonderful man.

There have been slew of surreal moments as of late where I had to have moments of reflection... Christmas 2010.  I now can not imagine a Christmas without him or my lovely new family ever again.  The laughter and love and support that overwhelms their family's homes is incredible. 

We also were able to enjoy two joyous snow days together.  There's a silence and a comfort and a peace from being with those you love most.  This is what I experience with him between the moments of complete joy and hilarity.  Ah, yes, life as I know good.

A few lyrics from a song I'm currently loving: 

That he would leave His place on high / and come for sinful man to die / You count it strange so once did I / Before I met my savior / My Savior loves, my Savior lives / my Savior's always there for me / My God He was, my God He is / My Savior's always gonna be